Sophia Nynnat (Salman Farissi)
3 min readFeb 9, 2021


I Agree. We had a similar discussion previously. There is casteism among Muslims and Christians of the Indian Sub-continent. A prominent writer has made a case on similar lines in Al-Jazeera recently. She talks of how Dalit Muslims are getting marginalized in India and Pakistan. The casteism among Muslims is called Sayyidism similar to Brahmanism of Hinduism. The Sayyids consider themselves superior. This is more rampant in North India and the rise of the Pasmanda Movement was by lower caste Muslims against upper-caste Muslims.

In the South, it's not that severe but still, the reverence of Thangals by local Muslim sects of Tamilnadu and Kerala are similar to Sayyidism. In Telangana and Karnataka Sayyidism is comparatively more than Tamilnadu and Kerala while less than North India. The sad reality is that the Muslim sects of India address communalism but they are completely oblivious to casteism within them. They are ignorant of even the Casteism in Hinduism. Completely ignorant of ground realities.

In Christianity, the RC considers themselves superior to others. On a scale of comparison by what I have experienced, observed, and evaluated, Casteism is a central dogma sole of Hinduism the religion (Gift wrapped Brahmanism). It has been cunningly inculcated to Christianity. This may be through the new testament or the superiority of the RC patriarchy. In Islam or the Muslim community, internationally the Arabs have that superiority notion. The Arabs treat people who go to the gulf seeking Jobs just like how Americans treated slaves. The Arab superiority has no basis from either Quran or the Hadith. The superiority notion is based on the Arab mindset that since Prophet Muhammed was born as Arab, the Arabs are superior.

In India, the notion of caste among Muslims has its basis in this absurd idea and the Brahmanical influence.

However, what I was trying to tell in the article was that Brahmanical-Aryan Hindus (Upper Caste) considers Muslims on a par with the Avarnas (outcastes). This is because the majority of Muslims in India got converted to Islam and Christianity due to rampant Casteism in Hinduism. Most of them are Avarnas (either OBC or SC). A little ST population also converted. The Upper caste who converted to Islam still reigns with their caste tails and almost all of them are Sayyids. Their conversions were forced by Mughals contrary to the lower caste conversions.

You see the irony, don't You?

Even in many serious issues, I have seen that these Muslims with Caste tails (Choudhary, Pathan, Sayyid, Sheikh, Ashraf, Rajput) covertly support the RSS-BJP. In many cases, they are RSS-BJP voters.

Savarkar's and Golwalker's (both of them are considered as Mahatmas by RSS) explicit hatred and bigotry towards Muslims might have caused the Muslim marginalization. This also makes a strong case for Muslims being considered as Outcastes along with their ancestral history in the present context. In conclusion, I would like to say that the collective Indian mindset indoctrinated by the RSS-BJP sees Muslims as the most dangerous of their enemies (the others are Christians and communists). This is a tool used to unite the OBC, SC, and ST under the one umbrella term of Hindus.

They covertly nurture the casteist mindset and the caste based atrocities continue hidden beneath the surface.

'Communalism on the outside, casteism on the Inside'

(Christian history of conversions are similar and casteism within it of India has similar reasons.)



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